Instagram aaaaandersson Finally nature changes color from the green to som Which one to send to the gallerist (who pays poorl Warm-color-test, Ocher + some extra #danielsmithar 1/2 Sheet Arches 300g rough. #arches #watercolor # Pyrrol Orange time 🙂 from Daniel Smith #daniels 1/4 sheet Saunders Waterford 300g 1/4 sheet saunders waterford 300g #akvarell #saund Pyrrol Orange from Daniel Smith 👍. #danielsmith 1/4 Sheet Saunders Waterford High White 300gram. # 1/2 Sheet 300g Saunders Waterford. #andersandersso 1/4 Sheet Arches 300g Rough. #watercolor #aquarell 76x56cm (22”x30”) Saunders Waterford 425gram ( Undersea Green and Indigo from Daniel Smith. #wate A few pigments on paper with some help from a brus 1/4 Sheet Saunders Waterford 300g rough #saundersw Indigo from Daniel Smith. #danielsmithartistsmater 1/2 Sheet with some different greens 😉. #waterc Paint: Umder Sea Green from Daniel Smith. #daniels 1/2 Sheet + Cobolt #saunderswaterford #akvarell #c 1/2 Sheet Saunders Waterford #saunderswaterford #a Load More Follow on Instagram